Today at about Noon, I felt very weak and very warm. I went to medical at work and they took my temp...99.3 so I called U of Iowa and they told me to take Tylenol and to watch for more signs of infection. They don't get too worried until 101 degrees F. The Tylenol helped and a half hour later I felt cooler.
Dr. Chahal told me to call today between 2 and 3pm. She said she might have preliminary results. So, around 2:20 I called her and she was not available. They left a message and she called me back around 2:40. She said the biopsies taken Wednesday WERE BENIGN!!! What a relief!! She went on to say that they exhibited fatty hila and this was further indication of healthy lymph nodes. PRAISE GOD! THANK YOU JESUS! She continued to tell me that my TSH was 0.24 and she was pleased with that. She did not have my Thyroglobulin back yet. That's the cancer has always come back "undetectable" unless stimulated with high TSH. Sorry to be so technical...
Dr. Chahal still has to review films of my lung nodules to make sure they are I'm not out of the woods yet, but I feel a lot closer to the edge of the tree line!!
I hung up with her...breathed a sigh of relief and called Bob. No answer (darn). I left a message. Then I shared the news with a few friends at work and headed for home to drive the girls to dance.
While the girls danced, I picked up the ingredients for a celebratory supper...steak (yes, even on a Lenten Friday...I'll eat fish tomorrow...I'm sure Jesus won't mind), twice baked potatoes, stuffed mushrooms, asparagus and chocolate cake. YUM. I plan to sleep well tonight!!
I do believe in the power of prayer and I want to thank everyone who is praying. Please don't stop...and I'm praying for all of you too!
I'll udpate again when I get lung results...