Friday, February 25, 2011

Counting Down to a Routine Neck Ultrasound

Routine.  Ha!  They are never routine.  No matter what, there's always that worry...what if they find something?  Then reason kicks in and I think "well, if they find something that's good so we can deal with it early."
I'm trying to focus on something fun about the neck ultrasound scan.  Since the hospital is in Iowa City, I'll go to New Pioneer Food Coop on the way home.  That will be a treat!  It's like a Whole Foods only smaller and with better quality baked goods!
My latest way of providing support to others with Thyroid Cancer is through Inspire.  It's like a social network for people with similar illnesses.  I also created a Low Iodine Diet (LID) blog so that I could point people there rather than re-type my advice on the diet over and over again.  If you are interested you can find it at
Oh - did I tell you that Mayo Clinic is now in-network with our health insurance at work?  It's a wonderful change!  It brings me some peace of mind...knowing if they do find something next week, that I can go up to Rochester for the latest treatment.  But, I'm not planning that way...I'm planning and praying with confidence for a clean neck ultrasound.
I've lowered my Synthroid dosage.  I'll get my TSH tested again next week.  Now I'm taking 0.137 mg twice per week and 0.125 mg five time per week.  It's been so interesting to actually feel a chill again.  Normally I'm always so warm.  Now I'm feeling more normal in the thermostat department.  I am also sleeping better and dreaming again.  Oh that really does make a difference!
I had been so hyper that dreaming was becoming more rare.  Now I am dreaming so vividly that I wake up wondering if that was a dream or reality!  What a neat feeling...haven't had that happen in ages!  I had almost forgot.
Years ago I dreamt that I threw a cup of hot coffee into my boss' face.  It was only a dream, mind you.  But when I woke up I thought for a can I possibly show my face at work?  Then as I more fully awoke, I knew it was only a dream.  Dreams that intense were something that was just a part of me being me...but a part that I lose when so overdosed on Synthroid.
I've also cut out fructose in the following forms:  High Fructose Corn Syrup, raisins, apples, grapes, pears, dried fruits, honey and agave nectar.  I feel so much better!  I'm not 100% yet, but between discovering these food triggers and cutting down on Synthroid, it's been a major improvement in quality of life.
Well, I'll post more when I get scanned a week from today!