Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Eve of Christmas Eve

It's the 4th Sunday of Advent.  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  The journey of healing from this third bout with thyroid cancer has been interesting.  My neck range of motion if not fully returned.  I can not tilt my head away from the area of treatment (ear to shoulder) without a strong tugging sensation.  I'm afraid to push it since I know it's full of scar tissue around blood vessels and such.  So I gently stretch a bit more and more each day.  I had given up the chiropractor temporarily with the diagnosis - too much to focus on and no spare time in my schedule.  I finally went back last week.  I asked her to not touch my neck so she worked on me from mid torso down.  It helped a lot to just get straightened out - my lower back was a mess (still is, but slightly better with her help).
Admittedly, the worst part of all this is the adjustment to Synthroid.  The increase has led to the usual...insomnia, fatigue, brain fog, loose bowels, headaches, intolerance to heat, sweating, etc.  Being overdosed on Synthroid to the 0.1 range of TSH is not fun at all.  I am not sure what my TSH is right now, but last time I took this dose I approached zero.  I wait until February to find out.  In the meantime, it's a small price to pay to keep thyroid cancer from returning (hopefully).  And this journey is easier than what most others with cancer I am blessed.
Christmas approaches.  I'll get on that plane to visit Olyvia...can't wait to see her...don't want to feel the ear pain...don't want to feel the back pain (getting smart this time and taking the muscle relaxant BEFORE the flight rather than the night after when I'm twisted in knots)...but the pain will disappear when we are all together for the holiday (at least I won't think about it as much).
My Christmas gift this year is the gift of healing, thanks to good doctors and new treatments!  Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!