Monday I'll trek up to Rochester for testing...just blood work this time. My mother-in-law will come along for company. Results will surely be on-line before I see my endo on Thursday. Hopefully Tg (cancer marker) remains undetectable and TSH is suppressed enough to keep the doctor happy but high enough to hopefully stay on my new dosage of Tirosint - 125 mcg daily. I'll update the blog here as usual.
In the meantime, shingles have cleared up - leaving a not-so-nice scar on my face. Oh well, another battle wound. The sore in my right ear is healed up also and I have some ongoing numbness and tingling on that side of my face - that might or night not go away. I also get the occasional nerve headache on that side too - but only when really tired or worn down. So, it's been a nice reminder to slow down and rest sometimes...not my best ability. Pink eye cleared up and sinus/head cold/sore throat stuff was knocked right out by the Z-pack - without the Zithromax, I'm sure I'd still be sick...Bob too since he could not knock his sinus/head cold either/sore throat either.
Maybe the warm weather will bring some good health!