Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Moans, groans, stones, thrones and fatigue overtones. But my cancer marker is UNDETECTABLE!

So today at Mayo was awesome from a thyroid cancer perspective.  My Tg tumor marker has settled back down to undetectable.  Hooray.
However my hyperparathyroidism is showing symptoms and my Calcium is creeping upward, but ever so slightly.  Suffice it to say - it's complicated.
Surgery is warranted if you meet the following criteria:
Under 50. I'm almost 51.
Calcium over 11. Mine is 10.3.
Osteoporosis.  I'm 0.1 click away from that diagnosis.
A known diseased parathyroid.  One on the left side of my neck has a neoplasm growing on it.
Symptomatic...yup and worsening...especially the muscle pain,  fatigue, tummy issues, weakening bones.

So remove it and you'll be cured...but...I have a complicated neck from prior surgeries.  My endocrinologist wants to meet together next visit with a surgeon.  That will be in six months or sooner if calcium rises further or symptoms worsen.  For now it's watchful waiting.