Wednesday 27 Feb 2008 I'm scheduled to go to the University of Iowa for a consultation and an ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of the lymph nodes in my neck. So, I'm waiting. It's been a long wait...
November 27, 2007 I had a neck ultrasound with positive lymph nodes. December 27, 2007 I was scheduled to go to Mayo Clinic. My insurance - United Health Care (UHC) - informed my physician's office that the Mayo Clinic is "in network" and I was approved to go. I followed up with United Helath Care myself and they told me the same thing. I pressed them for something in writing that showed "proof of coverage" because I knew from the United Health Care web site ( that Mayo Clinic was NOT in network. But they flat out lied to my doctor and then again to me that Mayo Clinic was in network. When I pressed for something in writing I was put on hold. They came back and said "Oh, sorry, Mayo Clinic is not in network." I could use my out of network benefit. Let's talk about how that really works: A totally new deductable that's double the in network one kicks in. Then UHC will cover 50% of what they deem appropriate. So, let's say you go to Mayo and manage to generate $100,000 of expenses after the deducatble. That means UHC pays $50,000, right? WRONG!!! UHC will pay half of what they deem, if they say that $100K at Mayo is really worth $40K in the opinion of UHC, then UHC will pay $20,000 in this example. I've heard that typically the 50% coverage ends up being 20% coverage. So, let's get it out on the table that UHC is a company that lies to doctors, lies to patients and yet that's who provides my coverage. So, I'm living with it.
The sad fact is that Mayo offers a new treatment that U of I does not offer. Depending on what my diagnosis is after the 27th of Feb, I may start hunting around for other options. The new treatment is called alcohol ablation of the lymph nodes in the neck. It's a cool treatment...very little down time vs. surgery with lots of down time and high risks of infection, etc.
Anyway, it's a waiting game at this point. When I had to cancel the 27 Dec appointment at Mayo (I was not going to put myself and my family at such financial risk when I do not yet have a diagnosis), U of I was not able to see me until 18 Feb. Well, that fell right on top of our trip to Florida so I asked for an earlier appointment...and got a later one on 27 Feb. I have a bad sore throat and head cold today (23 Feb) and have had it for four days. This might put the tests on 27 Feb on perhaps more waiting is in order. It's an exercise in patience and prayer. Thankfully I have a fun job with lots of high energy work to do that keeps me busy!!
I'll sign off now and update this as things unfold. Later, dj