Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Random Thoughts and an Update

With injections of ethanol on Wednesday and Thursday, I was on an airplane Friday to see my daughter.  It's amazing what that motherly instinct will drive us to do!  I was fearful of pain, especially ear pain which I get when I fly anyway...would it be worse?  It was but only at one point in the trip and it did not last long.  Interestingly enough it was when we pulled away from the gate and they pressurized the cabin.  Ouch!  I clutched my ears, especially the right one on the side of the treatment.  The pain subsided a few minutes later and now I have the usual flying side effects of vertigo, fluid draining from the ears, ear ringing (have that all the time - just gets worse), wooshing sounds, etc.  But I DON'T CARE because I'm with my family and we are all together.
My son traveled with me so I did not do any lifting.  We boarded the plane from Denver, CO to Seattle, WA early "now boarding those needing assistance..." - I figured - what the heck - might as well get some benefit out of this stupid cancer.  Alek and I walked down the jetway to board the plane and Alek whispers "and the Emmy goes to..." at which point I started an elaborate acceptance speech, thanked the academy, etc.  I must have looked pretty bad (pale, bruised neck) because without even trying...just moving slowly and cautiously...two flight attendants offered me a wheel chair for when we landed.  That I did turn down...seemed like a bit much - after all I could walk just fine!!  It only hurt when something tugged at my neck (think shoulder strap or pocketbook).  I changed my carry-on to a wheeled bag just in case I would have to negotiate with it vs. Alek at some point.  It was a smart move - I usually put something over my shoulder.
On Saturday while shopping around Seattle (we were at IKEA), I suddenly got completely wiped out.  Simultaneously I found that the area that was injected seemed more swollen and hard.  Since then (it's been a week now since injection number one), I feel fine but I tire easily and when I do, I again get a more swollen neck that feels harder.  It's my signal - SIT DOWN AND REST.  So I do.  But, this is so "easy" compared to surgery recovery.
As for neck range of motion, I have yet to move my neck as far as it's able...and tilting left (so as to tug at the area and stretch it) is simply not happening.  As soon as I try, my body and neck say "stop it!" so I stop.  Swallowing is tender at times, but not bad [ yup, still eating :-) ].
My Mom at one point asked "How many ounces of alcohol will they use and will you get drunk from the procedure."  Answer "not nearly enough and wouldn't that be fun."  In actuality (I read my clinical notes online at Mayo) 1.2 cc on day one and 1.0 cc on day two.  There are 5 cc in a I had 2.2 cc or just under half a teaspoon injected.  The sake the other night at the Japanese restaurant was stronger!!
Well, enough typing.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone.