Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mayo Clinic Countdown

I've never liked having surgery. However, this time around I am really looking forward to my parathyroidectomy.  You can read more about HyperPARAthyroidism at http://hyperparathyroidukactionforchange.blogspot.com/.  I have 20 of the symptoms listed on the right hand side, with 7 of them being life altering.  I hope to reverse this disease progression with surgery - thus the anticipation!
I don't feel that I'm in the best of shape for surgery.  I'd like to be 30 pounds lighter and in better shape.  Exercise has been a challenge when it's painful to just walk.  But the weight part of it can be addressed.  I've been making my regular donation to Weight Watchers for years and I call it my "weight maintenance plan."  The scale does not budge on WW and it was time to switch things up.  So, for the first time in years I actually stopped making my monthly payment to WW, removed the app from my phone and I've lost 6 pounds!  I switched to the Mayo Clinic Diet.  I figured they have not failed me yet - so why not give their system a try?  I'm not wasting away - trust me - but at least the scale is going in the right direction...and in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas - that's an accomplishment if I do say so myself ;-)
The HyperPARAthyroid UK Action for Change support group has been just that - SUPPORTIVE. I'm lucky to have found them and it's been very reinforcing and very inspiring.  The reinforcement is that so much of what I experience (especially the bone pain) is real and very much a symptom of this disease.  It's nice just to not feel alone in the process.  The inspiring part is reading the stories of others who had the surgery and their wonderful outcomes.  I can only hope and pray that I do as well.
Merry Christmas to all!!