Sunday, October 30, 2022

Symptoms & Bloodwork Results

I've been tired, cold (unusual for me) and have had trouble losing weight. I thought for sure my Tirosint at 100 mcg wasn't enough. I was wrong. TSH is right at 1.33. Free T3 is midrange. So, that's not it.

Maybe it's what my daughter says: "You are getting older."

I also have a lot of arthritis pain...especially in my hands and hips. My Vitamin D came back over 80! So I am cutting my daily supplement by half. My PTH is also elevated, but calcium is low normal. That's a conundrum. I'll supplement with more calcium. I'm not good about swallowing those darn horse pills! I try to get it from diet, but that's challenging too.

Hopefully cutting back on the Vitamin D will help cut back on the joint/bone pain.

I'm also headed in for an MRI of my cervical and thoracic spine due to some numbness. More on that when I get the results.