Well, prayers of thanksgiving are in order! The lesion on my nose came back benign. Momentary panic set in today when the voice mail said to call the doctor's office and the biopsy was done just two days ago. This did not sound good to me...but it was normal! Hooray!
I've also been off the Lovastatin now since my last post and I feel so so so much better. I still have some mild aches and the lower back pain from the sciatic nerve is still there. But in terms of general muscle aches, I feel 10 years younger! Now the challenge will be to see if I can stay off the cholesterol lowering drugs! Or find one that does not make me ache.
Yesterday I did go to Iowa City and saw my wonderful doctor. She reviewed my blood work (taken in March) and was very pleased. She decided to not draw my Tg (cancer marker) until next March. WOW - a whole year off! She also said that the soft tissue nodules are shrinking - indicating they may be scar tissue. But we must be vigilant and watch them so another neck ultrasound also next March/April time frame will be done. We did blood work (no results yet) for thyroid and parathyroid functions. We also talked about the new drug Tirosint gel caps - a newer form of the same drug that is in Synthroid. She knew of it but said insurance would not cover it so we decided to not try it. Also my blood work shows very good conversation from T4 to T3...so we did not talk about Cytomel supplementation. I never did mention Armour. After doing some unscientific research, I think I'll pass for now on the dessicated pig thyroid. It works for many people and that's great! I'm just not ready to switch from the synthetic T4 known as Synthroid.
So, I'll update again when blood work is in. For now, rejoicing and praising God for good news.